Why Faith and Brain?

I  am interested in the impact of faith on the physiology of the brain. This leads to a bigger question: what makes us human. I think we are not just neurologically wired biological being, rather our consciousness is a combination of spiritual and neurological. I am curious because I believe spiritual conversion alters the physiology of our brain.

Most people believe that we are more than our brain. So why religion is sort of a taboo in science? Unless it prevents you from being objective as a scientist, religion should not be separated, but be included as a key component in our scientific advances. There are several world-class scientists who explore in the field of faith and brain. It is an edgy area of science that is controversial, so researching the topic  excites me even more. I think that spiritual/religious aspect of human nature is the game changer in the future of science which was missing for a long time.

Here is an article by Wheaton College on Neuroscience and Faith. It is a great article with an insightful interview with a visiting scholar in science and religion from University of Oxford, Dr. William Struthers. He also wrote a highly recognized book about addiction and brain, Wired for Intimacy. You can find the book here.


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